You need acne treatments on oily skin? Try this herbal, witch hazel because it can be used to remove excess oil on the skin that can clog pores and lead to blemishes. It can be a substitute to any commercial toner which can constrict pores and help prevent acne because of its astringents properties. It has also the anti-inflammatory properties to help fight the skin inflammation due to acne.
How to use witch hazel as toner to combat acne and oily skin? In the morning after cleansing and before applying a face lotion and makeup as well as when the day is over, to get rid of all the dirt, bacteria, and oil that your face has had to deal with within the day utilize a cotton ball or cotton cloth and gently wipe the distilled witch hazel over your skin, focusing on oily areas like the chin and forehead.
How to make face mask for oily skin out of witch hazel? Mix witch hazel with anti-bacterial honey and skin balancing lavender. It must be two tablespoons of raw honey with one teaspoon of witch hazel and two drops of lavender essential oil and make use of either of these masks once or twice a week with witch hazel toner to see the difference.